Do I need an account to order?
No you don’t need an account to order, just add all the cards you would like to your basket and proceed from there.
Is there a minimum order?
There is no minimum order.
Is there a delivery charge?
There is a set delivery charge of £4.95 for all orders in the UK.
How long will it take for my cards to arrive?
3-5 days for shipping to the UK. If you have any specific shipping times needed please let us know and we can help!
Do you ship internationally?
We can ship internationally to some areas, if you would like to find out more please email us, office@floral-explosion.co.uk
What does T/L mean on the back of the funeral cards?
T/L means The Late. You can fill in all your funeral details on the back of the card to make it easier for you and the funeral director!